Reproductive Justice Resources

"Abortion is health care. Abortion is freedom. Abortion is bodily autonomy. A country without this human right is not a free country."
- H.R. Bellicosa

Pro-Abortion Art + Performance

9 Artworks That Respond to the Fight for Abortion Access

Michele Pred’s Feminist March for Reproductive Freedom

The Artist Guide to Supporting Women’s Rights

Performance Art for the Argentinian Legalization of Abortion

Save Art Space - Abortion Rights

Thank God for Abortion

Let’s Make Noise for Abortion Rights

Musician’s Reaction to Supreme Court Decision on Abortion Rights

Abortion is Normal Exhibit at Arsenal


Abortion Clinics Online: directory of providers of abortion and other reproductive health care services.

Advocates for Youth: materials for young people and their advocates in the United States and abroad.

Center for Reproductive Rights: information about reproductive rights issues in the United States and around the world.

Feminist Majority: information on medical abortion, contraception, international reproductive rights, and clinic violence.

NARAL Pro-Choice America: information about abortion and women's health, contraception and education, clinic violence, the radical Right, and relevant federal and state legislation and Supreme Court decisions.

National Abortion Federation: resources for pregnant women as well as abortion providers.

National Advocates for Pregnant Women: ensures that women do not lose their constitutional and human rights as a result of pregnancy.

National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health: information about increasing public support for Latina reproductive health rights and issues and ensuring that all Latinas have access to reproductive health services.

National Organization for Women: information dealing almost exclusively with NOW's activities in the pro-choice movement.

Physicians for Reproductive Health: features recent issues of the PRCH's quarterly newsletter Choices, as well as PRHC position papers, medical case studies, and other publications.

Planned Parenthood: one of the best sources of online information regarding safe sex, contraception, and abortion, including legislative updates, pro-choice advocacy tools, a special section for teens, as well as resources in Spanish.

Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States: offers a clearinghouse of information on health and sexuality education. Special sections feature materials for teens, parents, religious institutions, media, policy makers, and advocates.

Yellow Hammer Fund: abortion advocacy and reproductive justice organization serving Alabama, Mississippi, and the Deep South.

For information on the NWSA poster session contact Dr. Tamara White or Dr. Kathryn Turley-Sonne